How to Get Fish Smell Out of Microwave

How to Get Fish Smell Out of Microwave

All sorts of nasty odors can develop in your microwave if you don’t clean it as often as you should. If you’re dealing with a lingering fish smell, don’t worry.

We’ve got you covered!

We have a few cleaning solutions in mind that can help you remove the fish smell from your microwave. Start from the top of our list, and work your way down if one solution isn’t enough to get rid of it.

The exact steps and cleaning time will depend on how foul the odor is. If a deep cleanse is enough, it should just take you a little over three hours to clean and air out your appliance.

Let’s dive right in. 

How do you get the fish smell out of your microwave?

How do you get the fish smell out of your microwave

The fastest way to get that fish smell out of your microwave is a deep cleanse using vinegar. Fill a microwave-safe bowl with half a cup of water and vinegar, then heat it for no more than five minutes.

After the appliance cools down, wipe off any residue.

Sometimes, a deep cleanse isn’t enough to remove foul odors. In such cases, you’ll have to use additional cleaning measures to get rid of that fish smell once and for all.

Cleaning SolutionInstructionsTotal TimeDifficulty
VinegarMix a vinegar cleaning solution in a heat-safe bowl.

Heat up the vinegar solution, then let it sit for 10 minutes to break up the grime in the microwave.

Use the vinegar solution to deep clean the microwave.

After, let it air out for two hours.
At least 3 hoursEasy
Baking SodaMix a baking soda solution in a heat-safe bowl.

Pop it in the microwave for three minutes, and let it sit inside for another two.

Repeat the process if necessary.
At least 10 minutesEasy
Coffee GroundsAdd a cup of coffee grounds to half a cup of water in a heat-safe bowl.

Microwave the coffee grounds for two minutes and leave it in for another 10.

Repeat the process if necessary.
At least 15 minutesEasy
Citrus PeelsFill a heat-safe bowl with citrus peels and water.

Heat it up for four minutes or less. Then, let it sit for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Leave it in longer for the best results.
About 30 minutes or moreEasy

Solution 1: Use vinegar for a deep cleanse.

Vinegar is a cheap yet effective solution for all your cleaning problems, including foul odors from your microwave. To create this homemade cleaner, mix half a cup of water and a tablespoon of vinegar in a microwave-safe bowl. 

Once you have a vinegar solution, you can deep clean your appliance using the following steps:

  • Step 1: Remove any burnt pieces and debris inside the microwave.
  • Step 2: Heat up the vinegar solution for four to five minutes.
  • Step 3: Let the vinegar solution sit in the microwave with the door closed for at least 10 minutes.
  • Step 4: Wipe away any residue with a soft cloth or sponge dipped in soapy water.
  • Step 5: Use a scrub brush to remove tougher grime.  
  • Step 6: Give the microwave a rinse using water.
  • Step 7: Wipe the microwave with a lint-free cloth.
  • Step 8: Leave the microwave door open and let it air out for at least two hours.

After giving your microwave a deep cleanse, give it a good sniff. If it still smells like fish, then you should move on to the next method on the list. 

Quick Note:

For stubborn stains, you can dip your sponge into pure vinegar and sprinkle it with baking soda. Pop the sponge in your microwave for 25 seconds, then use it to wipe off tough stains.

Solution 2: Deodorize your microwave with baking soda.

Baking soda can absorb funky odors without leaving an unpleasant chemical smell in your microwave.

To neutralize that pesky fish smell using baking soda, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Fill a microwave-safe bowl with half a cup of water and a tablespoon of baking soda.
  • Step 2: Microwave the baking soda solution for three minutes.
  • Step 3: Let the baking soda solution sit in your microwave for two minutes.
  • Step 4: Smell the microwave. Repeat the process if it still stinks of fish. 
Quick Note:

Another way to deodorize your microwave is to open a box of baking soda, then leave it inside overnight. Don’t forget to shut the microwave door so it can absorb all the foul odors.

Solution 3: Use coffee grounds to remove the foul fish smell.

Just like baking soda, coffee grounds can absorb persistent odors in your microwave, and they won’t leave a strong chemical smell. 

If you want to use coffee grounds to neutralize foul odors, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Pour a cup of coffee grounds into a bowl.
  • Step 2: Add half a cup of water to the bowl.
  • Step 3: Microwave the solution for at least two minutes.
  • Step 4: Leave the hot bowl inside the microwave for 10 minutes.
  • Step 5: Check if the microwave still has a fish smell.
  • Step 6: Leave the coffee grounds in the microwave for a little longer if the smell of fish still lingers.
Quick Note:

You don’t have to use freshly ground coffee to do this cleaning method. Used coffee grounds will work just as well as freshly ground beans when it comes to neutralizing foul odors.

Solution 4: Freshen up your microwave with citrus.

Microwave citrus fruits to get rid of that foul fish smell in your microwave once and or all. 

Store the peels of citrus fruits like oranges, limes, and lemons. Set them aside in a jar, so that you can use them to create a homemade cleaning solution for your microwave.

To use citrus as a cleaning solution, do the following steps:

  • Step 1: Fill a large heat-safe bowl with a cup or two of water.
  • Step 2: Add orange and lemon peels to the bowl of water.
  • Step 3: Microwave the bowl for four minutes or less. Just make sure the fruit doesn’t burn.
  • Step 4: Leave the bowl inside the microwave for at least 30 minutes.
  • Step 5: Check the microwave after 30 minutes. Leave it in longer if it still smells fishy.
Quick Note:

Use citrus peels to create an organic cleaning solution for the entire kitchen.

Fill up a clear jar with citrus peels, and add white vinegar. Let the mixture sit for at least two weeks before using it for cleaning.

How often should you clean your microwave?

How often should you clean your microwave

Ideally, a microwave must be cleaned after every use to prevent grime and gunk build-up from causing any foul odors. Regular wipedowns can also reduce the number of deep cleans it will need in the future.

If you can’t commit to a daily cleanse, clean your microwave at least once a week. 

Make sure to remove all the grease and bits of food to prevent foul smells and bacteria from forming.

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