Oh no! My Samsung washing machine’s not spinning! [Causes and Fix-its]

Why Samsung Washing Machine not Spinning

Our washing machines are real-life savers because who wants to handwash a mountain of dirty laundry? That’s why it’s a big problem when they throw a tantrum and refuse to spin. 

But remember, every problem stems from something and there are many ways to solve them. So if your Samsung washing machine stops spinning, the first step is to discover why.

This article will walk you through the possible reasons why your washer refuses to spin and how to address them. 

Why is my Samsung washing machine not spinning?

When your Samsung washer is not spinning, it means that its sensors have detected an issue and stopped your machine from doing its spin cycle. 

Sensors detect issues caused by faulty power supply, uneven laundry load, or a defective machine part. 

Whichever the case, it’s time to conduct a quick inspection to identify and solve the problem.

Factors Preventing Your Samsung Washer from Spinning and How to Fix It

Today’s washers have their own preventive measures to avoid further damage. For Samsung washing machines, they have sensors that can detect these issues. 

This list shows what can cause sensors to stop your machine’s spin cycle and how to solve them. 

Overload or underload• Open the drum lid to check if the machine’s over or underloaded.
• If the drum is tightly packed, remove excess clothing. Otherwise, put more clothes if there’s too much empty space.
• Spread the clothes around the drum evenly to balance the weight. 
• Close the lid and restart the cycle by pressing the start button.
Uneven load• Open the drum lid.
• Check if the clothes are tangled together or thrown to one side of the drum.
• Next, separate the light and heavy clothes. 
• Save either the light or heavy clothes for later in a different wash batch.
• Untangle the clothes if they’re knotted together and spread them out evenly around the drum.
• Shut the lid and press the start button to restart the cycle. 
Incorrect drain hose insertion• Turn the washer off and unplug it. Look for the drain hose connected to the machine’s rear.
• Pull the drain hose off from the drainpipe and see if it’s clogged. 
• Remove the dirt, hardened residue, and built-up lint if there’s any. 
• Next, ensure that the hose is properly attached to the drainpipe.
• To make sure it’s inserted correctly, pull the hose off the pipe and re-insert it no more than 6 inches deep.
• Check if the hose is suspended too high or too low. The ideal height is 18 inches to 96 inches. 
• Reposition your hose until it’s properly suspended. Buy hooks to support it against the wall if needed. 
• Do last-minute checks for any kinks. Straighten out your hose if there’s any.
• Plug the machine back and restart the cycle.
Clogged pump filter• Turn the washer off and unplug it from the power source. 
• Look for the pump filter. It’s located at the bottom front of your washer. • Press the cover lightly to open.
• Get a small container or basin and put it under the pump filter area. 
• Pull the emergency drain tube beside the filter. Open the tube cap and let the water drain into the basin underneath. 
• When there’s no more water coming out from the tube, twist the pump filter’s cover counterclockwise to open it.
• Pull the filter off and let the excess water drain. Then, get a brush to clean it.
• Brush the filter and remove all the dirt inside it to ensure it isn’t clogged. 
• To extract the dirt and debris inside, use tweezers or needle-nose pliers.
• Reinsert the pump filter after cleaning it thoroughly. Twist it clockwise to secure it closed. 
• Put the emergency drain tube’s cap back and reinsert it, too.
• Close the pump filter’s cover. Plug your washer back and restart the cycle.
Wrong wash setting• Cancel the current cycle by pressing the stop or pause button.
• Check your load and see if it matches the wash setting. Consider your load type, size, and fabric.
• Also, check if you selected a single-step program. See if the washer’s set to wash or rinse only.
• Reselect the wash setting. Choose the correct one and press the corresponding button. 
• Press the start button to restart the cycle.

The solutions to your washer’s spinning problems are easier than you’d expect. Let’s break them down below. 

Overload or Underload 

Stuffing your washing machine to the brim or putting a tiny load can mess with its spin cycle. Overload and underload issues are easily detected by your washer’s sensors.

Solution: Check if you’ve overloaded your machine by measuring the space between your load and the drum’s top edge. There should be a hand’s-width gap.

Remove some clothing until there’s enough space. You should also separate big and small clothes, and wash them separately.

To check if you’re underloaded, see if there’s too much empty space inside your drum. Put more clothes inside to increase your load enough for the washer’s sensors to detect.

Use your machine’s capacity as a guide to distribute your laundry evenly.

Close your washer’s lid and restart the cycle by pressing the start button. 

Uneven load

Mixing in light and heavy articles of clothing at once can throw your drum off balance. 

This is because heavier clothes cause the drum to tilt to one side and the lighter clothes’ weight isn’t enough to balance it out. 

The imbalance makes your machine compensate in spin speed and power, causing undue stress to its parts and resulting in quick and tear. 

Solution: Open your washer’s lid and see if the clothes are tangled or thrown to one side of the drum.

Untangle your clothes and segregate them. Separate them by size, weight, and type so you can wash similar clothes together and avoid tangling. 

Distribute the clothes evenly around the drum and make sure that the weight is balanced. 

Put your washer’s cover back and press the start button to restart the cycle. 

Quick Note: 
You can quickly find out if your washer’s load is uneven by checking if the Ur or Ub code has appeared on its digital screen. The Ur or Ub codes stand for unbalanced load.

Incorrect Drain Hose Insertion 

The drain hose must be properly inserted to ensure effective drainage. A kinked or improperly placed hose can hinder spinning.

The insertion depth must be no more than 6 inches inside the drain pipe. 

Solution: Before you inspect the hose, turn your washer off and unplug it from its power source. 

Turn the washing machine until its rear is facing towards you. Pull the hose off from the drain pipe. 

Inspect the hose’s interior to see if it’s clogged. Remove any dirt, formed residue, lint, and other debris if there’s any. 

Re-insert the hose into the drain pipe. Be mindful of the 6-inch insertion measurement this time. 

Once the drain hose is secured in place, measure how high it’s suspended from the ground next. It should be suspended 18 inches to 96 inches high. 

Get hooks to support it up against the wall if it’s too low. Otherwise, reposition it to make it within 18 inches and 96 inches high from the ground. 

Conduct a quick check for any folds or kinks on the hose. Straighten it and remove any item that can get it snagged. 

With the hose now properly inserted and suspended, return your washer to its former position and plug it back. Start a new cycle.

Clogged Pump Filter

Over time, debris, lint, and small objects can accumulate and clog the pump filter. This makes it harder for your machine to drain water.

Solution: Turn the washer off first and remove it from its power source to avoid any accidents. 

Look for the pump filter at the bottom front of your Samsung washing machine. Once you spot it, push the cover lightly to open it. 

Before you twist the filter’s knob open, get a basin or container and place it underneath the filter’s area. This will catch the water that will drain from the filter.

Find the emergency drain tube beside the filter’s knob. Stretch it out and remove its cap to drain the water into the container below. 

When there’s no more water coming out of the emergency drain, twist the filter’s cover counterclockwise to open it. 

Pull the filter out slowly. Don’t be surprised to find excess water draining from inside the filter’s slot. 

Inspect the filter and check if there’s anything clogging it inside. Grab a brush and clean its exterior and interior thoroughly. 

You should also get tweezers or needle-nose pliers to extract the debris that’s stuck inside the filter. 

After brushing the dirt off and removing the blockage, reinsert the filter and twist the knob clockwise to lock it in place. 

Put the emergency drain tub’s cover back and reinsert it. You can now remove the container you used to catch the water. 

Push the filter’s cover back up. Plug your washer back into its power source and turn it on for another wash cycle. 

Here’s a video demonstrating the repair process step by step:

Wrong Wash Setting 

Selecting the wrong wash cycle can lead to an unsuitable spin speed, causing your machine to either stop spinning or not spin at all.

Solution: Don’t be afraid to disrupt the ongoing wash. Stop the current cycle by pressing the pause or stop button.

Look at your current wash cycle setting and see if it matches your load. When checking, consider the fabric, size, and type of clothing. 

Next, see if the wash program is set to wash or rinse only. Change both the wash cycle setting and program to the correct ones matching your load. 

After pressing the new wash and program setting, press the start button to begin a new cycle.

Quick Note: 
Do remember that there are pauses between cycles. Before you stop the wash, wait five minutes to determine whether the washer stopped entirely or is just preparing for the next cycle. 

Don’t let the stress get to you when your Samsung washer is not spinning. Often, the problem is simple and only needs an easy fix.

Check all the possible reasons why your washer’s not spinning and you’ll fix it in no time. If you think that it’s beyond your capabilities, it’s always a great idea to call a technician for help. 

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