How to Fix Samsung Dryer Leaking Water [Quick and Easy]

How to Fix Samsung Dryer Leaking Water [Quick and Easy]

Is your Samsung dryer leaking water? Before you call service on it, you might want to consider checking it up yourself first.

Sometimes all it needs is a good cleanup. In this article, we’ll guide you through fixing your leaking dryer in no more than 5 steps!

So get your vacuum ready, and let’s dive right in.

Why Your Samsung Dryer Is Leaking Water and How to Fix It

Why Your Samsung Dryer Is Leaking Water and How to Fix It

A leak from your Samsung dryer typically means that the exhaust vent is clogged, the vent pipe isn’t insulated properly, or some condensation did not drain completely.

Inspect the exhaust system for any clogging, loose fitting, or damage. Clean out the exhaust vent to ensure proper ventilation.

On the other hand, steam-dry models can normally accumulate residue condensation after a steam-dry cycle. During that time, it’s only natural to notice water droplets coming out from the door when you open the appliance.

If the droplets leak from the door even when it’s closed, check if the rubber seal has come loose and reinstall it tightly.

Quick Tip:

Leaking from under or behind the dryer is the norm for this issue, as this points to a problem with the exhaust vent where condensation would usually escape.

If you notice leaks coming from the steam system even when steam settings aren’t in use, or from any other part of the dryer and into the drum, your best option is to take the unit to a Samsung support center for service.

Parts of your dryer might need repair or replacement.

Common Causes of Samsung Dryer Water Leaks and How to Resolve Them

Common Causes of Samsung Dryer Water Leaks and How to Resolve Them

A water leak from a Samsung dryer typically points to an issue with its ventilation or draining system. Sometimes all this issue needs is a good cleanup, and rarely would you need to call for service.

However, if the problem lies in the dryer’s overall duct system, you’ll need to call for assistance. Vent pipes require physical force, and configuring them can sometimes be complicated.

Clogged Exhaust VentUnplug the dryer and disconnect the vent pipe located behind it.

Clean the vent pipe out by hand or using a vacuum.

Afterward, reconnect the vent pipe tightly.
Improperly Insulated Vent PipeInspect the vent system for any pipes that might be leaking. Double-check the insulation on the pipes and make sure they are not damaged or open.
Incorrectly Configured Vent PipeInspect the configuration of the vent pipes. Make sure they are placed as horizontally and straight as possible.

We also recommend rerouting them so that they exhaust into the exterior of your room, rather than into a garage, basement, or attic.
Water Collection System Malfunction (Heat Pump and Condenser Models)If you’re using a heat pump or condenser model, check if the water tank is damaged or filled.

If it’s damaged, replace it. If it’s filled, empty it manually or by installing a drain hose to the back of the unit.

Check also its heat exchanger element (bottom part of the dryer) and make sure it’s not clogged.

Clogged Exhaust Vent

Samsung dryers are normally built with an exhaust system that allows hot air to escape through a vent pipe and out of the drum. This prevents the appliance from overheating from the high temperature it uses to dry a load of clothes.

Allowing hot air to flow out of the unit allows the appliance to apply a hot temperature without creating too much condensation.

Moisture from drying clothes typically travels through this vent pipe. Sometimes it might take time to air out completely, so it will accumulate in the tube for a while. 

But as long as your dryer has enough airflow, it’ll eventually escape.

Lint from clothes, especially from thicker materials, can also accompany moisture and pose a larger risk of clogging the vent pipe.

If the vent pipe is blocked, not only would moisture have nowhere to exit, the excess heat wouldn’t be regulated as well. As a result, the dryer will produce more moisture, and your clothes will feel as if they didn’t dry at all.

Excess moisture will tend to escape through small gaps between pipe connections as well, so if the vent pipe is a little loose, you’ll notice leaking behind your dryer.

Solution: Locate the dryer’s vent pipe and clean it out. Make sure to do the following steps carefully:

  • Step 1: Unplug the dryer or cut it off at its power source.
  • Step 2: Locate the vent pipe behind the unit. You won’t need to open the back panel for it.
  • Step 3: Disconnect the vent pipe and inspect the inside of the appliance for clogging. If there is any lint buildup at the opening, you can remove it with your hands.

Remember not to stick your arm into the opening. If you notice lint or any blockage deeper into the hole, you can use a vacuum to clean it out.

  • Step 4: Inspect the pipe for any lint or moisture buildup. You can remove them by hand or use a vacuum to reach deeper areas.

If the blockage is too far to reach, however, take the unit to a service center.

Remember to clean out both ends of the pipe!

  • Step 5: Return the pipe to its connection. Make sure to reconnect it tightly so as to not allow outside air to seep in.
Quick Tip:

Regularly cleaning out the vent pipe is important to maintain the appliance in good condition. If the dryer doesn’t run into any issues, cleaning the vent at least once a year would be enough.

However, if there’s enough blockage disrupting the dryer from functioning normally, it can send out a signal to remind you to clean its filter system.

Aside from the vent pipe, you should pay attention to the lint filter inside the drum as well. The lint filter is usually the dryer’s first line of defense against larger lint that may come in contact with the appliance’s heating system. Like the vent pipe, this typically gets clogged with moisture residue or lint buildup. The lint filter needs to be cleaned after every drying cycle.

Simply take out the lint filter from its housing in the drum, and use cold water to wash it — no need to use soap! You don’t even need to unplug the appliance to do this, but do make sure that it’s powered off.

Improperly Insulated Vent Pipe

Your Samsung dryer’s exhaust system doesn’t end with the vent pipe connected to the appliance itself. The pipe’s condition extends to its exhaust ducts, and when that part isn’t properly assembled, it can still contribute to overheating issues.

In the case of a leak, if you notice water dripping from your dryer’s vent pipe, this could mean that the pipe isn’t insulated properly.

Ever noticed how vent pipes are usually covered in thick tape or other similar materials? This is to make sure that the hot air and moisture escaping from the main unit will stay inside the duct uninterrupted by outside elements.

In particular, insulating the vent pipes can protect them from the changes in humidity outside. 

For example, if your vent pipes run through a cold basement, the air blowing in the area will be just as cold, and when cold air meets the moisture or hot air escaping through the pipes, it may cause condensation to form and turn into ice.

Solution: Locate where your dryer’s vent pipe goes through and inspect the insulation for any damages or ill-fittings. A telltale sign of this would be leaking water.

Repairing or replacing the insulation will require you to disassemble the entire vent pipe, so we recommend calling a professional for assistance on the matter.

Quick Tip:

If your dryer regularly collects water from the outside, this could be an issue of its environment instead. Be mindful of the humidity or room temperature around the appliance.

Colder air will contribute to more condensation formation, which can easily form on the metal parts of the appliance when it’s not in use.

Incorrectly Configured Vent Pipe

If the problem doesn’t seem to lie in the vent pipe’s insulation, then you might want to double-check its configuration. As a general rule, ventilation ducts must be as horizontal and as straight as possible.

Too many turns and bends in the ducts make it more difficult for air and lint to escape efficiently. This will likely cause blockage in more than one part of the exhaust duct.

Ideally, your ventilation ducts should also lead outdoors. If your vent pipes are routed to exhaust to an enclosed space such as a garage or basement, you’ll have to be extra careful about room temperature and humidity levels.

Routing vent pipes through enclosed spaces risk moisture problems, which could make it easier for stray condensations to form around the pipes and block them with ice.

Solution: Inspect the configuration of your vent pipes. If its current passage doesn’t allow it to have a straight route, consult a professional to help you find an alternative and redirect the pipes as necessary.

Quick Tip:

The material of your vent ducts can determine how effective the venting is and how easy it will be to configure.

Ribbed ducting and plastic, for example, can cause more moisture to form inside them. Moreover, they tend to trap moisture, which can lead to a buildup of water that leaks out when it becomes excessive.

On the other hand, metal, non-ribbed ducting is recommended as it can decrease overall drying time. As such, it can also reduce the risks of condensation forming.

Water Collection System Malfunction

If you’re using a heat pump or condenser tumble dryer, you’ll notice a conspicuous lack of vent pipes on your appliance. This is because models like these dispose of moisture via a small hole that leads to water tanks or other similar containers.

Condenser models can be a bit more complicated, as they use a motor to pump water into the tank.

When the motor fails, excess moisture won’t be collected properly and will leak from other parts of the dryer.

But it’s not always the motor’s failure that could lead to leaks. Much like the vent pipe of a regular Samsung dryer, if this type of dryer’s condenser filter gets clogged by moisture or lint buildup, it will cause leaking and overheating issues.

A common issue heat pump or condenser dryer users face is moisture collection on the metal back plate of the appliance. This is usually resolved by resealing the gaskets in that area.

Solution: The first thing you have to do is to make sure that the water tank is empty. You can drain the water tank either by doing it manually or by installing a drain hose.

To empty a water tank manually, simply pull the water tank (located on the display panel) forward with both hands to remove it. Water tanks are typically designed to hold 5 kilograms of water.

Make sure to support the water tank in the middle as you pull it out to avoid water from spilling.

The tank has a drain hole towards its tail. You can drain the water inside by tipping the tank into a sink or toilet until all the water has gone.

Make sure to inspect the water tank for cracks as well. Replace it if you find any signs of damage.

As an alternative, you can install hoses so you won’t have to carry the water tank. To do that, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Locate the drain hose behind the dryer.
  • Step 2: Remove the drain hose from the left-side hole and insert it on the other side.
  • Step 3: Take a longer accessory hose (which you will use to drain the water into a drainage system) and insert it where the drain hose was previously inserted.
  • Step 4: Insert the other end of the accessory into a drainage system, such as a wash basin.

Afterward, also make sure that the heat exchanger is clean. Much like the vent pipe of a regular dryer, the heat exchanger (located on the lower part of the appliance) also needs to be checked for lint or dust buildup.

Unlike a vent pipe, however, this particular filter needs to be cleaned every week.

You can access the filter by removing the flap on the bottom of the dryer and unlocking the outer cover. Clean this area out using the brush that came with the appliance upon purchase.

If yours didn’t come with a brush, consult a Samsung technician for a spare — or you can purchase from the manufacturer’s official website.

Important Tip:

When brushing the heat exchanger, go only from top to bottom; never sideways! Brushing sideways risks lint and dust being scattered to other places of the heat exchanger instead of being completely dusted off.

A water leak from your Samsung dryer is usually no cause for panic. With this article, we hope you gained enough insight so that you’ll know where to look first the next time this happens.

Or better yet, if you follow our tips and guidelines, you won’t need to face this problem again at all!

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